lets Work together this christmas

We've helped make Christmas a positive experience for over 74,000 tamariki and whānau.We need your help to keep doing so.At Shoebox Christmas Aotearoa, we work with over 12,000 volunteers and 4 youth leaders developing their leadership skills while creating amazing outcomes in their community across NZ.
This takes time and money. We're seeking financial sponsorship from good businesses so we can continue our work. We have three tiers of koha (donation) as guidelines but welcome any support!

National Sponsor

You're really making a difference - and we can't thank you enough.
We'll acknowledge your support by putting your name and logo on the front page of the website, and at the bottom of every page on the site.
We’d also really like to come along and say thanks in person or online to you and the team, talk a little about the project, how
it started and how it got to where it is now (or anything
else you might want to hear about!)

regional sponsor

In exchange for your generous support and koha, we'll put your banner on the search page in your suburb, town, or region so everyone sees it when browsing for Shoebox Christmas projects and other projects or kaupapa on the platform.

Suburb level sponsor

To thank you for your support and koha, you will have a banner on the gifter dashboard where gifters see the details of the children they’re donating a koha to.This banner will be thanking your organisation for its
Eg. Thanks Pera's Dairy, for supporting our project!

Lets team up!

If your organisation thinks this is work that should continue, please email us about working together for our communities.